The Capital of Peace, a Well Deserved Title for the City of Geneva

There are many cities around the world that are famous for their shopping offerings, others for their rich history, for green landscapes, activities or architecture, however, few combine all the above and even less are known for adding an international flair of peace-making to the combination. Among all cities around the world only one of them brings myriad offerings together under the title of “The Capital of Peace”, and that’s Geneva.

Located on the shore of the largest lake in central Europe and with the Alps as a backdrop, Geneva brings together the best of mountain and water-based activities in a unique way. In addition to that; shopping in this Swiss city has always been an attractive experience to many local and international shoppers with a taste for luxury. Museums, art exhibitions, cultural offerings and more are brought together to create a cosmopolitan atmosphere for residents and visitors to immerse themselves in. However, what makes Geneva even more attractive is the role it has played over the years as a stage for peace efforts.

Geneva has been seen a confluence of different cultures since its earliest days. Back in the fifth century it played a key role in resolving disputes within the Roman Empire. In modern era; Geneva’s reputation for peace began with being the cradle for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in 1863 which is now the largest humanitarian network in the world. More recently in 1919 Geneva witnessed the formation of the League of Nations which established the belief that war is against humanity and that peace should be upheld at all cost. Later on, this entity paved the way to form the United Nations which adopted the mission statement of the League of Nations.

Nowadays; Geneva is home to a thriving community of non-governmental organisations and the headquarters of 34 international organisations, such as the World Health Organisation and the World Trade Organisation. It is also the home of the International Museum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, the only one of its kind in the world, offering a unique experience of the initiation of humanitarian efforts. Another peace landmark in Geneva is the Broken Chair sculpture which rises in the square of the Place des Nations sending a clear message to remember the victims of landmines and to urge the governments around the world to promote a ban on landmines.

Experiencing the peace sphere in Geneva is not limited to visiting physical attractions, but also, it’s absorbed by the local culture. Many events on this theme are frequently organised such as Geneva Peace Week which emphasises that everyone has a role to play in building peace. Travellers will feel at home when in Geneva thanks to the welcoming and peaceful ambience that surrounds the city. The bespoke services at the hotels and the safety measures applied across the city will ensure a safe and pleasurable visit for all guests.